Mum's Burthdayy was On Thur,6th august.ChOo Dad,Kumar n mii did a surprise thingyy fOr her.Wed nite she was sleeping. Dad bOt a Cake frm Secret Recipe wit Kumar. We readii tha Cake wit Magic Candles and wOked her upp N Gave her a surprise..Singing Burthdayy sOng n teasing her..
Mum's Burthday Cake
Tha Funniest Part was tha Magic Candles,How much she blOw tha cake also tha Flame neva gO Off..kekekeke,It was myy Idea!! Hahaha,she got irriated and said dOn wan tO bLow readii..
Cut tha cake,feed everyOne..Den it was gift Time,Dad bot Organ for Mum. Kumar & mii Bot a Cross Stucture..and a nice meangiful wordings for her.she liked it i guess..=)
Kumar bOt fOod like ChiLLi Crab,Stingy Rayy... ChOo it was Attacking sessiOn..hahhass
But Tha Sad Part was Tat Dad was Flying Off to Philippines On tha mOrning itself..ChOo He Couldn't jOin Us tO celecbrate mOre.. Mum went tO work..But she tOok Haf a Dayy la.And went tO tke bLessings Frm her MoTher.."Oraa Mother PeeLinggs La"
In tha Evening We brOught amma tO Fish & Co. Together we bring alOne jeya aunTy tO jOin Us. Had A fuLL MeaL Dinner...ToOk lOts Of PicTures...Lots Of Laugther & lOve;)
It was Nice & GreaT...hOpe Mum liked Her Burthdae Surprises n Treats..
lOve Euu mummy..
Jeya Aunty & Mum
Mum & Mii
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