Wednesday, August 19, 2009

OuTing aT SingapOre ZoO..


Tha Cat FamiLy:LiOn

One Of a Kind Of Bird

WhiTe Tiger

Mii Standing InfrOnt Of tha Girafree
Ah Meng's MeMoTriaL!!

aT tha SeaL ShOw

Went tO tha ElePhant !

i aLwayys wanted tO gO tO Singapore Zoo Ever Since Tha Last Tme was When i was yOung..
ChOo Mum gOt us Tha ASA Card n we bOth went in ter Thru Tha Card..Wakakka..Was ChOo ShiOk!!!.. We'LL Lyke tha Tourist...ExpLoring,Amazed tO c Tha AnimaLs..
And Tha Best Part was That Tha CrOwd Ter was Less,Mayb its a WeekDayy. Could be!!..
We Didnt gO fOr Tha ShOws..We walked & walked tO C arOund Ter..ToOk pLenty Of Pictures Ter.. we arrived ter at abt 2.45 and Left ter at abt 5.50.We bOt a Picture FrOm Zoo Where Teyy tOok a Picture Of us..Do Tke a lOok at myy Picture cOllectiOn..It was Fun Hanging Out wit Kumar n expLoring thinggs ter...